Conceptual ambiguity of 'particulate matter' and 'yellow dust'
The causes of PM10 in the air can be divided into artificially generated pollutants and naturally occurring yellow dust. Each phenomenon is known to occur under different atmospheric conditions. Therefore, when studying the phenomenon of high concentration of fine dust caused by pollutants, the case of yellow dust is excluded from the analysis. At this time, the days announced by the KMA as yellow dust are excluded from the analysis. However, the observation of yellow dust by the KMA is made visually in accordance with the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization, and instrument observation results are used for special reporting.
The yellow dust is monitored in real time by the KMA and the change in the concentration of yellow dust in the path of movement using the “Korea-China joint yellow dust observation network” and satellite information installed in the vicinity of the yellow dust source. In addition, using the self-developed yellow dust prediction model “Adam 2”, it predicts in advance how the yellow dust generated at the source will affect Korea. Meanwhile, in the case of fine dust, the National Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Environment, which is the Ministry of Environment, and the Meteorological Administration for weather forecasting work closely together to produce fine dust prediction information.
In the future, the Ministry of Environment and the KMA should improve the monitoring and prediction technology of yellow dust and fine dust through close cooperation to suppress damage from yellow dust and fine dust as much as possible.
In addition, we focused only on precipitation among many factors that affect fine dust reduction. If we reflect various factors, we will make more abundant data.